Organizing Resources
We Came to Learn: Action Kit
“We hope organizations, students, parents and communities use this Action Kit to build power, wage strategic campaigns, and influence local policy at the intersection of policing, racial justice, youth organizing and education.”

Power in Partnerships: Building Conenctions at the Intersections of Racial Justice and LGBTQ Movements to End the School to Prison Pipeline
“Dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline, especially for LGBTQ students and youth of color, needs to happen now. Success requires the best of our movement’s collective thinking, visioning, and strategy. We have made significant progress but still have a way to go. With Power in Partnerships, we look forward to continuing to build, grow, and collaborate toward ending the school-to-prison pipeline and building a better tomorrow for our young people.”

Parent to Parent Guide: Restorative Justice in Chicago Public Schools
“This “Parent-to-Parent Guide to Restorative Justice in the Chicago Public Schools” provides background on POWER-PAC’s Elementary Justice Campaign and their work to end “zero-tolerance” policies and bring restorative justice to the schools. It also gives suggestions for parents wanting to bring restorative practices to their schools.”
Action Kit: Combating ICE Enforcement in Public Schools
“What you need to know about the phenomenon that is pushing immigrants and youth of color out of school and into prison, detention and deportation proceedings. Plus, the questions every parent and advocate should be asking their school today.”
What Organizers Need to Know about ESSA: Every Student Succeeds Act
“Here is an easy to use infographic for organizers’ use in effective ESSA implementation in their local work. This one page document is easy to interpret and has strategies for effective local implementation of the Federal ESSA legislation.”
Bringing A Human Rights Vision to Public Schools: A Training Manual for Organizers
“NESRI and CADRE Training manual introduces the concept of human rights, how they apply to the right to education in the US, and the ways in which human rights can be used as a framework for social change. This “Toolkit within a Toolkit” is a resource for advocates, organizers, community members, parents and youth interested in using human rights as a tool for improving public education in the United States. It contains workshops, web links and case studies that are easy to translate into your local organizing work. Again, our standing belief is that education is a human right, as well as a civil right and tools within this comprehensive document, are framed within that perspective.”
Model Code Comparison Tool
“The Dignity in Schools Campaign (DSC) Model Code Comparison Tool presents communities with recommended language for alternatives to school pushout and zero-tolerance discipline practices. It highlights questions you can answer about your own local codes of conduct and offers suggested guidance from considering alternatives and developing a strategy to implement them. You should use the tool in combination with DSC’s full Model Code on Education and Dignity available here.”
Engage for Ed Equity: A Toolkit for School Communities on the Every Student Succeeds Act
“The Dignity in Schools Campaign, Partners for Each and Every Child, and the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc, have developed this toolkit to serve as a call to action and to empower parents, families, care-givers, students, and other community members with the information and tools they need to be actively involved in making decisions that impact their schools.”